Thursday, 13 October 2011

How to unprotect the M.S Excel sheet without Password 

Follow the steps described below

1. Copy the VB code given below .

2. Go to ur Excel sheet and press ALT F11

3. Go to the Insert TAB of the VB page and press MODULE.

4. Paste the code here .

5. After that go to the TOOLS tab of the VB page and press MODULE .

6. A small pop up like window will appear , now hit the RUN .

7. you can see the password now on your sheet .

8. note down the password .

9.Use this password when you try to Unprotect your sheet using the

Unprotect option given in the Excel ..

Sub PasswordBreaker()
    'Breaks worksheet password protection.
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
    Dim l As Integer, m As Integer, n As Integer
    Dim i1 As Integer, i2 As Integer, i3 As Integer
    Dim i4 As Integer, i5 As Integer, i6 As Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    For i = 65 To 66: For j = 65 To 66: For k = 65 To 66
    For l = 65 To 66: For m = 65 To 66: For i1 = 65 To 66
    For i2 = 65 To 66: For i3 = 65 To 66: For i4 = 65 To 66
    For i5 = 65 To 66: For i6 = 65 To 66: For n = 32 To 126
    ActiveSheet.Unprotect Chr(i) & Chr(j) & Chr(k) & _
        Chr(l) & Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & Chr(i2) & Chr(i3) & _
        Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & Chr(i6) & Chr(n)
    If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = False Then
        MsgBox "One usable password is " & Chr(i) & Chr(j) & _
            Chr(k) & Chr(l) & Chr(m) & Chr(i1) & Chr(i2) & _
            Chr(i3) & Chr(i4) & Chr(i5) & Chr(i6) & Chr(n)
         Exit Sub
    End If
    Next: Next: Next: Next: Next: Next
    Next: Next: Next: Next: Next: Next
End Sub

Friday, 30 September 2011

When Your Mobile Gets Wet

In the event that a mobile phone/ cell phone accidentally gets immersed in water, you should follow these steps:

(1) IMMEDIATELY REMOVE THE BATTERY. VERY VERY IMPORTANT! 60 seconds later and it may be too late. The battery is usually the source of damage, not just the water alone. Water+Battery = Short Circuits! So REMOVE the battery! And DONT TEST the cellphone after it's been dropped in water!
(2) As soon as possible (preferably within 20-30 minutes). dissassemble the phone using Torx T6 screwdriver.
 (3) Clean/dry as much as you can, using Q-Tips
(4) Dry the electronics components under a desk lamp on a paper towel for 24 hours. A drop of water may have gone under chips and components where you cannot dry, so you need to dry under a 40/60w desk lamp, or 24 hours under a desk fan pointed down at the disassembled components.
(5) Reassemble the phone
(6) Put back together
(7) Only now it's safe to put the battery back in.
( Phone may be good as new.

Try not use a hairdryer, unless with heat turned off or at very low settings. You do not want to scorch the electronics. A hairdryer may help in some cases, but more often than not (especially with clean water), a hairdryer will usually cause more damage caused by the stresses of expansion-contraction caused by all the heat. It's best to keep things cold, to keep any contaminants in the water as chemically inactive as possible.

If you follow these instructions, you have a reasonably good chance of a working phone after a non-waterproof phone was thrown into water.

Yes, make that emergency trip to buy the Torx T6 if you have to. You have to disassemble the phone. Although reports some devices such as a PalmPilot, has survived in a snowbank for 7 days (luckily, its batteries were dead) after being lost in a snow-filled driveway, it is generally best to disassemble the device quickly. Clean snow/water usually means you can wait a bit longer, but pool water (chlorine) or ocean water (salt) will make is VERY URGENT to dissassemble the phone.

SALT WATER TIP: If exposure was salt water; you may need to clean the salt water with water. (salt water is far more dangerous). This may actually mean washing the circuit board very briefly under filtered water, in order to save its life from salt water (ocean water) before immediately drying it out. This is a last resort, but NECESSARY if your electronic device was immersed in salt water (unless you have access to special electronics cleaning fluid solutions that can get rid of salt water on short notice. Sometimes filtered water is the only thing you have access to, for cleaning salt water ASAP)

Yes, one must get rid of fear of dissassembly! RESIST trying to test the telephone -- keep the battery away -- until the phone/PDA is disassembled and dried first!

FACT: Water almost never instantly kills a cellphone. You usually still have time to save the phone's life, especially if the water is clean!

Water is never usually the source of damage in a PDA/mobilephone/cellphone/pager/etc that has been immersed into water. The source of damage is usually the combination of Battery+Water which causes short circuits. If there are any backup batteries inside the cellphone/PDA, those preferably must be removed too. Removing all sources of power immediately (all batteries) is the most important step in rescuing water-logged electronics!

Also, phones that have already been exposed to water for longer periods even with the battery, are more likely to permanently stop working. For example, having been inside pockets of damp clothes or wet bags, or fallen in a rain puddle for an hour without you noticing until too late. However, remove the battery immediately anyway and dissassemble anyway. Sometimes you can still rescue electronics that has been wet with the battery for longer periods, especially if the water was clean and the electronics shut off the battery before it did any short-circuit damage.

PC Suit for Linux

It is for nokia n80, n73, 6230( a folder java phone), 7610, 6630 & 6680....

This is how to do it...

Connect your phone via datacable
open terminal & type 


now u will get the following output

owais@owais-desktop:~$ lsusb
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 0421:0445 Nokia Mobile Phones 
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 046d:092f Logitech, Inc. 
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 

it is on my compter,ur will not be exactly the same...

Now note the line in which NOkia Mobile Phones is has two number one is 0421 & other is 0445...we'll take these numbers as 0x421 & 0x445

0421 is the Vendor ID & 0445 is the Product ID

Now enter this comand.

sudo /sbin/modprobe usbserial vendor=0x(vid) product=0x(pid)

eg, in my case::: sudo /sbin/modprobe usbserial vendor=0×421 product=0×445

Now enter this command

wvdialconf create
u'll get a long output which will be like 

Scanning your serial ports for a modem.
Port Scan: S0 S1 S2 S3
WvModem: Cannot get information for serial port.
ttyACM0: ATQ0 V1 E1 — OK
ttyACM0: ATQ0 V1 E1 Z — OK
ttyACM0: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 — OK
ttyACM0: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 — OK
ttyACM0: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 — OK
ttyACM0: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0 — OK
ttyACM0: Modem Identifier: ATI — Nokia
ttyACM0: Speed 4800: AT — OK
ttyACM0: Speed 9600: AT — OK
ttyACM0: Speed 19200: AT — OK
ttyACM0: Speed 38400: AT — OK
ttyACM0: Speed 57600: AT — OK
ttyACM0: Speed 115200: AT — OK
ttyACM0: Speed 230400: AT — OK
ttyACM0: Speed 460800: AT — OK
ttyACM0: Max speed is 460800; that should be safe.
ttyACM0: ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0 — OK
Found an USB modem on /dev/ttyACM0.
Modem configuration written to create.
ttyACM0: Speed 460800; init “ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0″

NOw.. notice the output says that there is a modem at /dev/ttyACM0 & max speed is 460800

now enter this command

sudo gedit /etc/wvdial.conf

A file will open in text delete everything in that file & paste the following there

[Dialer Defaults]
Modem = Your Modem Name(eg, /dev/ttyACM0 in my case)
Baud = ur max speed(460800 in my case)
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
ISDN = 0
Modem Type = Analog Modem
Phone = *99#
Username = username
Password = password
Stupid Mode = 1

save the file & you are done

NOw whenevr u need to terminal & type wvdial,,wait till some sort of IP adress is displayed like

[06][06][08]` [06][08]
primary DNS address
[06][06][08]` [06][08]
secondary DNS address
[06][06][08]` [06][08]

Now you are connected....hit cntrl+c to dissconnect...

U can also create a laucher on desktop(application in terminal) & keep the command as double click it & u r connected

first download and install Virtualbox, which is a free app.
now install win XP in it. (you will be using Win xp as a application in linux, but if you are not familiar with virtual machines, use wikipedia to familiarize yourself)
In that win XP install P C suit
you ll be able to use it.


Just install an app called wine in your linux. And then try installing PC suit for windows using windows progtram loader(WINE)

Installing Software in Ubuntu
Most Windows users who migrate to Ubuntu end up confused about software installation. They go to a website, download a .tar.gz file, double-click it, and don't see a Next-Next-Next-Finish wizard. This tutorial is intended to introduce you to the preferred methods of software installation in Ubuntu.
Rather than leaving it up to the user to track down installer files and keep applications updated, Ubuntu (like many other Linux distributions) has a software package management system that provides a searchable database of easily installable applications (like an online shopping cart but the software is cost-free), which it will download and install for you with a few clicks.
For those of you with smartphones, it's a very similar process to installing applications using the iTunes App Store or Android Market.
Installing 101: Ubuntu Software Center
The best place to start with this package management process is to use a simple interface for it called Ubuntu Software Center. (The Software Center is available as of Ubuntu 9.10; in Ubuntu 8.04, there was a similar interface called Add/Remove.)
Go to Applications and select Ubuntu Software Center.
If you already know what software you're looking for, you can begin typing the name of it in the top-right corner to begin the filtering process. If you don't know, you can also browse by category.
In this case, let's say you're looking for an audio recording and editing program called Audacity.
So after filtering it, click Install and get prompted to authenticate with your password.
Then after a few seconds, Audacity is downloaded and installed.
Once it's finished installing, it's ready for you to use.
Manual download: .deb
Most of the time, if you need software, you can use the Software Center to install it from the online repositories. Sometimes, software is not available in the repositories, and you have to go to a website to download it. If you are able to download a file with a .deb extension, this is the software package format Ubuntu prefers.
For example, Skype is not in the default Ubuntu repositories, so you can go to the Skype website, and download the Ubuntu package.
Note: Skype doesn't always update their Ubuntu packages. So, for example, in this screenshot Skype lists the installer file as being for Ubuntu 8.10+, but I'm using Ubuntu 10.04. Opera, on the other hand, even if it hasn't changed its browser version numbers will have all the Ubuntu release versions to choose from. I don't even think Google Chrome has version numbers, just separate 32-bit and 64-bit .deb files for Ubuntu. Try to select whichever version seems most appropriate. If you have questions, post a thread on the Ubuntu Forums.
Once the .deb file has finished downloading, double-click it to install it. You'll be prompted for your password. Go ahead and enter it if you trust the source you downloaded the file from.
After GDebi (that's the name of the graphical tool that installs .deb files manually) finishes...
... your application should be ready to use.
Note: as of Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat), double-clicking a .deb file now opens it in Ubuntu Software Center instead of GDebi. The process is still the same, though (just double-click the file).
Last resorts: .rpm and .tar.gz
The preferred way to install software in Ubuntu is to use the package manager, which you can access through Ubuntu Software Center. As we've seen with Skype, sometimes you can also find a .deb for software not in the repositories. But what if you can't find a .deb?
If you can't find a .deb, you can try a .rpm. These files are packaged for other Linux distributions (usually Fedora or Mandriva), but there is an application called alien(which you can install using Synaptic) that allows you (most of the time) to convert .rpm files to .deb. 
Read more about this process.
As a last resort, you can download a .tar.gz file. The .tar.gz file extension indicates the file is a compressed set of files and folders (the compressed files you see in Windows usually have a .zip extension). If you see the .tar.gz, it could be compressed files that have a precompiled binary file, or it could be compressed files that have the source code allowing you to 
compile the application from source.
If you have trouble installing a .tar.gz file, you can ask for help on the Ubuntu Forums.
There are other guides out there that help you understand software installation a bit better.
  • Community Documentation on Installing: The wiki gives a thorough explanation of the process of installing software and also includes the Adept package manager available in Kubuntu.
  • Video tutorials: A collection of YouTube videos showing the installation process in real-time, often with spoken narration.
  • Old Psychocats Tutorial: A very text-heavy explanation of software installation that also includes examples with the command-line way to access the package manager.
Advanced interface: Synaptic Package Manager
I have removed instructions for Synaptic, because I think Ubuntu Software Center is better for beginners, and it's become robust and functional enough so that only those who actually prefer Synaptic really need to know about it. If you are curious about Synaptic, though, I have step-by-step instructions for how to use it on 
an older version of this page.

How to start windows programs quickly with Run Command?

The run option of Start menu is used to run a program or to open a document directly. If you
do not know the exact location of the program or document then click on Start button to open

Run and type the programs shortcut name to open it directly.
Run Commands
appwiz.cpl — Used to run Add/Remove wizard
Calc –Calculator
Cfgwiz32 –ISDN Configuration Wizard
Charmap –Character Map
Chkdisk –Repair damaged files
Cleanmgr –Cleans up hard drives
Clipbrd –Windows Clipboard viewer
Control –Displays Control Panel
Cmd –Opens a new Command Window
Control mouse –Used to control mouse properties
Dcomcnfg –DCOM user security
Debug –Assembly language programming tool
Defrag –Defragmentation tool
Drwatson –Records programs crash & snapshots
Dxdiag –DirectX Diagnostic Utility
Explorer –Windows Explorer
Fontview –Graphical font viewer
Fsmgmt.msc — Used to open shared folders
Firewall.cpl — Used to configure windows firewall
Ftp -ftp.exe program
Hostname –Returns Computer’s name
Hdwwiz.cpl — Used to run Add Hardware wizard
Ipconfig –Displays IP configuration for all network adapters
Logoff — Used to logoff the computer
MMC –Microsoft Management Console
Msconfig –Configuration to edit startup files
Mstsc — Used to access remote desktop
Mrc — Malicious Software Removal Tool
Msinfo32 –Microsoft System Information Utility
Nbtstat –Displays stats and current connections using NetBIOS over TCP/IP
Netstat –Displays all active network connections
Nslookup–Returns your local DNS server
Osk —Used to access on screen keyboard
Perfmon.msc — Used to configure the performance of Monitor.
Ping –Sends data to a specified host/IP
Powercfg.cpl — Used to configure power option
Regedit –Registry Editor
Regwiz — Registration wizard
Sfc /scannow — System File Checker
Sndrec32 –Sound Recorder
Shutdown — Used to shutdown the windows
Spider — Used to open spider solitaire card game
Sfc / scannow — Used to run system file checker utility.
Sndvol32 –Volume control for soundcard
Sysedit — Edit system startup files
Taskmgr –Task manager
Telephon.cpl — Used to configure modem options.
Telnet –Telnet program
Tracert –Traces and displays all paths required to reach an internet host
Winchat — Used to chat with Microsoft
Wmplayer — Used to run Windows Media player
Wab — Used to open Windows address Book.
WinWord — Used to open Microsoft word
Winipcfg –Displays IP configuration
Winver — Used to check Windows Version
Wupdmgr –Takes you to Microsoft Windows Update
Write — Used to open WordPad

Hidden Programs in Windows XP

1- Private Character Editor : This program is for designing icons
and Characters (Alphabets)

Click :start
Then :run

2- iExpress : This Program is for converting your files to EXCUTABLE

Click : start
Then : run
type : iexpress

3-Disk Cleanup : This program used for cleaning hard disk to offer
Click : start
Then : run
type : cleanmgr


4-Dr Watson : This program Is for repairing problems in Windows
Click : start
Then : run
type : drwtsn32


5-Windows Media Player 5.1 : Opens the old media player
Click : start
Then : run
type : mplay32


Program ............. CODE
__________ __________

Character Map = charmap

DirectX diagnosis = dxdiag

Object Packager = packager

System Monitor = perfmon

Program Manager = progman

Remote Access phone book = rasphone

Registry Editor = regedt32

File signature verification tool = sigverif

Volume Control = sndvol32

System Configuration Editor = sysedit

Sys key = syskey

Microsoft Telnet Client = telnet

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Key Board Shortcuts in MS Excel

F1 Key
F2 Key
Edit current Cell
F5 Key
F7 Key
Spell Check
F12 Key
Save file as
CTRL and A
Select entire worksheet.
CTRL and B
Toggle Bold Text.
CTRL and C
Copies the item or items selected to the Clipboard and can be pasted using CTRL and V.
CTRL and F
Displays the Find dialog box.
CTRL and H
Displays the Replace dialog box.
CTRL and I
Toggles Italic Text.
CTRL and N
New File.
CTRL and O
Open File.
CTRL and P
CTRL and S
Save File.
CTRL and U
Toggles Underlined Text.
CTRL and V
Paste the contents of the clipboard.
CTRL and X
Cut the selected item.
CTRL and Y
Redo the last undone action
CTRL and Z
Undoes the last action.
CTRL and 1
Displays Format Cells Dialogue Box
CTRL and 5
Toggles Strikethrough Text

Keyboard Shortcut
Result in Excel 2000 – Formulas
ALT and =
ALT and F8
CTRL and ;
Insert Current Date
CTRL and :
Insert Current Time

Keyboard Shortcut
Result in Excel 2000 – Movement
Left Arrow
One Cell Left (also SHIFT and TAB)
Right Arrow
One Cell Right (also TAB)
Up Arrow
One Cell Up
Down Arrow
One Cell Down
Go to End of row
CTRL and left Arrow
Go to End of Column
CTRL and Home
Go to Top of Worksheet (A1)
CTRL and End
Go to End of Worksheet
Go to Next Worksheet

Keyboard Shortcut
Result in Excel 2000 – Cell Selection
CTRL and Spacebar
Select the entire Column
SHIFT and Spacebar
Select the entire Row
CTRL and A
Select Entire Worksheet
SHIFT and Left Cursor
Select all cells to the left of the active one
SHIFT and Right Cursor
Select all cells to the right of the active one

How to Increase the Life of Hard Disk

Taking care of your hard disk is important because this is the place where all the data is stored and once the hard disk crashes, data in most cases is not recoverable. There are data recovery softwares and programs which recover data from crashed hard disks but that is not for normal computer users.
But why do hard disks crash and what can be done to prevent them from crashing?. At the same time how can a hard disk be made more efficient? Here are the answers.
Hard disks crash due to many reasons. Voltage fluctuations, physical impact, improper alignment and of course mechanical failure due to wear and tear of internal parts. Let us start one by one and get the answers to the above problems.
1. Voltage fluctuations or spikes as they are called can be prevented by using voltage stabilizers or spike guards. This will limit the damage to the hard disk to a great extent.
2. Physical impact can be prevented by handling the hard disk carefully when installing/ re-installing. When installing the hard disk care should be taken to see that it sits perfectly horizontal and that it does not vibrate or shake once the computer is started.
3. The natural wear and tear of parts can be limited by defragmenting your hard disk from time to time.But what is defragmentation? All newly created files are stored in various places on the hard disk in a single cluster ( contiguous file ). But, as the number of files and programs increase, these files are not stored as one contiguous file but broken down and scattered in various places on the hard disk. In short files get fragmented. When these files are accessed by the user, the head on the hard disk moves to and fro to locate these fragments. These fragmented files puts lot of mechanical pressure on the internal parts of the hard disk. This leads to crashes. To start disk defragmenter from the start menu, click the start button and follow this path (All Programs / Accessories / System Tools / Disk Defragmenter). A minimum of 15 percent free space on your disk is needed for disk defragmenter to run. The disk can also be defragmented automatically by using schedule task. This program can can be accessed via system tools.
4. Power management tool can also be used to enhance the life of hard disk. To access this program go to start / control panel / power options and set the parameters for various hardware devices.
5. Disk cleanup increases the efficiency of the hard disk. So delete unwanted files and programs regularly.
Follow the above rules to increase the life of you hard disk.